Florida Cases Top 10K as Feds Urge Masks for All in Public

Trump administration recommended that all Americans wear masks in public to prevent the spread of the coronavirus

Elaine Dotto - Miami, FL


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Florida Cases Top 10K as Feds Urge Masks for All in Public

Miami, FL - "The CDC is now advising the use of a non-medical cloth face covering as an additional voluntary public health measure. So it's voluntary; you don't have to do it," President Donald Trump said during a daily coronavirus task force meeting from the White House.

The new recommendation is a reversal of previous federal guidance that only health care workers would benefit from wearing a face mask.
The new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendation comes as experts say there's evidence that the virus is being transmitted by people who may be carrying the virus but are not showing any symptoms.

The health experts say a face covering can cut down on the spread if combined with social-distancing protocols in addition to frequent hand-washing.

Non-medical coverings are recommended because medical-standard masks are still in limited supply, and officials want to save them for health care workers on the front lines of the battle against the pandemic.

The CDC guidance comes as COVID-19 cases in the state of Florida surged past 10,200 Friday. The state said the percentage of those being tested who are confirmed to have COVID-19 was 11% so far.

The state Health Department also reported seven more deaths, including patients in Orange, Polk, and Sumter counties.

New normal in place as stay-at-home order takes effect

A new normal is now in place as the governor's “safer at home” order - effectively a stay-at-home order - took effect overnight Thursday into Friday. For now, the order lasts until April 30. People are only supposed to leave home for essential services.

That includes:

Grocery stores

Doctor visits

Gas stations

Caring for a loved one

Recreational activities


(Image credit: mihalec / Getty Images)