France's Eco Plan: Slash Emissions, Ditch Coal

"Our priority is to completely eliminate coal from our electricity production by January 2027," President Macron declared.

THOMAS HESSEL - Toulouse, France


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Paris, France – French President Emmanuel Macron has revealed a comprehensive national "ecological plan" aimed at drastically reducing France's greenhouse gas emissions and accelerating its transition to a greener future. The ambitious initiative seeks to cut emissions by 55% compared to 1990 levels by the year 2030 while phasing out the use of coal-fired power plants by 2027.

President Macron made the announcement following a special ministerial council at the Elysée Palace, outlining a €10 billion (£8.7 billion) investment in a 50-point program he described as "ecology à la Française." The primary objective of the plan is to address the climate crisis while maintaining France's competitiveness in agriculture and industry.

Macron emphasized the importance of reducing France's dependence on fossil fuels, stating that the nation must shift away from coal, petrol, and gas, which it no longer produces but still relies upon. The target is to reduce this dependence from 60% to 40% by the year 2030.

"Our priority is to completely eliminate coal from our electricity production by January 2027," President Macron declared.

Among the key measures outlined in the plan is the acceleration of electric car production and the promotion of cleaner heating alternatives, though a total ban on gas boilers was not mandated. The plan also includes the development of new offshore wind farms, the establishment of electric battery factories in northern France, a resource mapping initiative to identify natural resources such as hydrogen gas and elements essential for lithium batteries, as well as a €700 million state investment in the regional train network.

Additionally, companies responsible for the 50 most polluting industrial sites in France have committed to an agreement to reduce their pollution levels by 45% before 2030.

President Macron also announced that the state would take control of electricity prices starting next month. Citizens will be encouraged to explore alternatives such as heat pumps, with plans to triple heat pump production over the next three years and train 30,000 new installers.

While President Macron introduced the plan, credit for its development goes to the office of Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne, which formulated it after appointing a secretary general for ecological planning in the previous year. Antoine Pellion was assigned the task of coordinating the development of national strategies in climate, energy, biodiversity, and the circular economy.

However, some environmental and political groups have expressed disappointment with the plan. Marine Tondelier from Europe Écologie les Verts described it as "the longest communication plan in history," while Olivier Faure, the leader of the Socialist party, also expressed his disappointment.

As France embarks on this ambitious journey towards a more sustainable and eco-friendly future, the world watches with anticipation to see if these measures will help the nation achieve its emissions reduction targets and set an example for others to follow.