Dynamus Club and Risch Law Firm Establish Partnership

Risch Law Firm is a renowned law firm specialized in immigration in the United States

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Dynamus Club and Risch Law Firm Establish Partnership


Brasília, DF (Brazil) - In a memorable evening of networking and celebration, the Fogo de Chão restaurant was the chosen venue for the meeting between two references in their respective fields: Dynamus Club and Risch Law Firm. The event marked the official beginning of the partnership between the two companies, promising innovative opportunities and exceptional benefits for professional associations throughout Brazil.

For over a decade, Dynamus Club has stood out as a leading platform in corporate benefits, offering exclusive deals, differentiated services, and advantageous negotiations for professional associations in various sectors. With a solid and reliable reputation, Dynamus Club has earned the trust of numerous organizations across the country.

On the other hand, Risch Law Firm is a renowned law firm specializing in immigration in the United States, with global reach. Under the leadership of lead attorney Miguel Risch, the firm has helped over 5000 families obtain permanent residency (Green Card) in the USA. Its expertise and commitment to excellence have established Risch Law Firm as a reference in the international legal field.

The event featured the notable presence of Miguel Risch, who shared valuable insights into the immigration process to the United States. Alongside him were Reinaldo Cesar, institutional director, and Fernando Hessel, director of strategic communication at Risch Law Firm, reinforcing the company's commitment to establishing strategic partnerships to better serve the needs of its clients.

During the dinner, guests enjoyed the high-level cuisine of Fogo de Chão while exchanging ideas and experiences about the challenges and opportunities of the current market. The partnership between Risch Law Firm and Dynamus Club promises to bring tangible benefits to professional associations throughout Brazil, offering access to quality legal services and immigration opportunities to the United States.

"With the signing of this partnership, both companies reaffirm our commitment to excellence and innovation, always aiming to offer the best to our clients and partners," emphasized Risch.

Furthermore, it is important to highlight that Dynamus Club has over 400,000 members from various professional associations across Brazil, consolidating its position as one of the country's leading corporate benefits platforms.

Fernando Hessel, director of strategic communication at Risch Law Firm, added: "This is just the first stage of partnerships that will take place in other strategic countries seeking to internationalize businesses in the United States."